IP Transit
By utilizing its fully diversified and redundant internet backbone with worldwide coverage, CMI provides an extensive range of flexible and scalable IP connectivity solutions for Internet service providers, content providers and enterprises.

CMNET carries the largest mobile subscriber base in China and serves the Top 1000.cn websites and content providers. By using the latest technology, CMNET's IP network backbone provides a fully redundant and highly resilient network environment.
About Global IP Backbone
CMI's rapidly growing IP network covers Asia, US and EU and is still expanding. To provide a diversified and low latency network, CMI has peered with major Internet Exchanges such as LINX, AMS-IX, DE-CIX, HKIX, Any2 and EQIX. The peering arrangements enhance the performance of the route while extending connectivity and reducing hop count.
- Gain access to over 808 million* mobile users and the content of the Top 1000.cn websites
- Connect to both China and the global internet at one time
- Peer and transit with CMI globally
- Transit/Peer with global Tier 1 carriers provides premium performance
- Dedicated and burstable bandwidth
- Supporting IPv4 and IPv6
- Flexible bandwidth with interface from FE to 10G
- DIA service also available
- HA service available in CMI’s Global Network Centre
- Covering 12 cities in APAC, America and EMEA regions , access POP including Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Los Angeles, London and Frankfurt