Peplink products come loaded with enterprise router features that make your deployment easier, giving you greater control over your deployment, and increasing your network reliability in several ways.
Please note that features vary by model. Refer to the Balance model comparison and MAX model comparison for full details.Drop-in Mode and LAN Bypass: Transparent Deployment

QoS: Clearer VoIP

Per-User Bandwidth Control

High Availability via VRRP

When your organization has a corporate requirement demanding the highest availability with no single point of failure, you can deploy two Peplink routers in High Availability mode. With High Availability mode, the second device will take over when needed.
USB Modem and Android Tethering

Built-In Remote User VPN Support

LACP NIC Bonding

Use 802.3ad to combine multiple LAN connections into a virtual LAN connection. This virtual connection has higher throughput and redundancy in case any single link fails.
SIM-card USSD support

Cellular-enabled routers can now use USSD to check their SIM card’s balance, process pre-paid cards, and configure carrier-specific services.
See Balance Model Comparison See Max Model Comparison